theatre into action

what’s on stage?

Malion has just finished its Edinburgh Fringe run!

A feminist retelling of the Pygmalion myth. A sculptor presents his work to his male friends, a statue of a woman. Given life by Aphrodite in a last attempt to save love in the land of Men, can Galatea survive whilst Malion is socialised into dangerous masculine identity?

Find out more about Malion through the button below!


A new political scratch night.

Dedicated to advancing issues of social justice, Tired Horses Theatre offers upcoming playwrights a platform and support to test new political plays and ideas in a forum setting.

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Help us deliver impactful Theatre!

Tired Horses Theatre are looking for like-minded individuals to join our team. Delivering productions that inspire action whilst also ensuring we enable our theatre community to thrive.

Read more about our missionand values here:

Find out how you can get involved here:

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Help Tired Horses Theatre in their future work by donating today!

Your generous donations will ensure that Tired Horses Theatre can continue their adventurous and socially relevant work. Using the power of theatre to make the world a better place!

Your donations will also ensure that we continue our community outreach, supporting emerging artists and providing them a platform in which to test their theatre making craft.