tired horses are looking to expand their team

Tired Horses Theatre are looking for fellow theatre makers to join our team. As Tired Horses look to the future we hope to expand our services in supporting artists. As well as pioneering new political works.

We are looking for individuals with a passion for theatre, social justice, and supporting the thriving Glasgow theatre scene. To find our more about our ethos please click here.

We need theatre makers to help us run and develop our events such as The Agora and The Triumvirate, as well as help us develop and create new events that uplift and support emerging artists. We are also looking to have people join us in administrative roles.

Alongside delivering programmes and events we also want creative individuals who have a story to share. We want to support work that has something to say and we hope that Tired Horses Theatre can act as a vehicle for your storytelling. Providing the right script with a team and support to bring your story to vast audiences.

If you are interested in joining us please email us at with the subject ‘Getting involved’. Tell us about yourself and why you wish to join Tired Horses Theatre. We look forward to hearing from you!

the agora


Have a play or concept you want to test on a live audience? Are you seeking feedback from like-minded creatives to aid in the development of your project?

The Agora is an evening of five short works in progress/ extracts from upcoming playwrights keen to share and test their work around a political conversation. Each playwright will be provided with a cast by Tired Horses Theatre and assigned a 20 minute slot on the night to showcase their ideas.

Find out more here.


Looking for an opportunity to perform? Passionate about new writing? Want to help lift up new playwrights?

We need actors to perform at the Agora! Actors who can perform for a 20 minute slot and be available for pre-Agora rehearsals. This is an opportunity to network, meet new playwrights, fellow actors, and industry creatives.

Find out more here.

Follow us on our socials for updates on opportunities


on facebook at: Tired Horses Theatre